Short Guide to GODOT

A short guide, recipes, and tips for the Godot game engine. The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games.

Displaying the color constants of the Godot palette

Visual representation of RGBA constants from the Godot Engine 4.2 documentation   ALICE_BLUE = Color(0.941176, 0.972549, …

How to use set_defered() in GODOT

Every time an enemy hits a player, a signal will be given. We need to disable the player's collection so that we don't trigger the hit signal more than once. Note: Disabling the shape of t…

Get the size of the game window in GODOT

The _ready() function is called when a node enters the scene tree, which is a good time to find the size of the game window: GD script func _ready(): screen_size = get_viewport_rect().si…

Launch the function using the "$Button" node or using a key on the keyboard in GODOT

In the scene, select $Button and find its Shortcut property in the inspector. Create a new Shortcut resource by clicking in the field, open the event array and add a new array element to it by clicki…

Timers in GODOT

When you need to pause for a brief time, an alternative to using a $Timer node is to use the SceneTree's create_timer() function. Make a one-shot timer and wait for it to finish.   GD …

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