The 0
index is the same as sequence[0]
. The ^0
index is the same as sequence[sequence.Length]
. The expression sequence[^0]
throws an exception, just as sequence[sequence.Length]
string[] words = [
// index from start index from end
"The", // 0 ^9
"quick", // 1 ^8
"brown", // 2 ^7
"fox", // 3 ^6
"jumps", // 4 ^5
"over", // 5 ^4
"the", // 6 ^3
"lazy", // 7 ^2
"dog" // 8 ^1
]; // 9 (or words.Length) ^0
string[] quickBrownFox = words[1..4]; // The range with the words "quick", "brown" и "fox"
string[] lazyDog = words[^2..^0]; // The range with the words "lazy" and "dog"
string[] allWords = words[..]; // contains "The" through "dog".
string[] firstPhrase = words[..4]; // contains "The" through "fox"
string[] lastPhrase = words[6..]; // contains "the", "lazy" and "dog"
You can also declare ranges or indices as variables. The variable can then be used inside the [
and ]
Index the = ^3;
Range phrase = 1..4;
string[] text = words[phrase];
foreach (var word in text)
Console.Write($"< {word} >");
Scenarios for indices and ranges
You'll often use ranges and indices when you want to analyze a portion of a larger sequence. The new syntax is clearer in reading exactly what portion of the sequence is involved. The local function MovingAverage
takes a Range as its argument. The method then enumerates just that range when calculating the min, max, and average.
int[] sequence = Sequence(1000);
for(int start = 0; start < sequence.Length; start += 100)
Range r = start..(start+10);
var (min, max, average) = MovingAverage(sequence, r);
Console.WriteLine($"From {r.Start} to {r.End}: \tMin: {min},\tMax: {max},\tAverage: {average}");
for (int start = 0; start < sequence.Length; start += 100)
Range r = ^(start + 10)..^start;
var (min, max, average) = MovingAverage(sequence, r);
Console.WriteLine($"From {r.Start} to {r.End}: \tMin: {min},\tMax: {max},\tAverage: {average}");
(int min, int max, double average) MovingAverage(int[] subSequence, Range range) =>
int[] Sequence(int count) => [..Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select(x => (int)(Math.Sqrt(x) * 100))];